What To Do When Your Vehicle's Windshield Is Damaged By A Rock Or Flying Debris

Windshield damage can be a significant issue on any vehicle, and often, a tiny crack starts out looking like it is not a big deal. However, if the crack spreads across the glass, it can obstruct the driver's view and require a windshield replacement to remedy the situation. Who to call and how to deal with the required work is not overly complicated, but there are some things to consider as you work through the process. 

Accessing The Damage

When you have damage to the windshield of your car or truck, it is essential to take the vehicle to a windshield replacement specialist and have them determine the best course of action for your situation. If the windshield has damage on the driver's side that is too large to repair, a windshield replacement might be the only option available to you. 

The windshield replacement services you are working with will order the new glass for your vehicle and make the repairs in a few hours once the windshield glass arrives. It is essential to take the vehicle to the shop as soon as possible after the impact occurs. In some situations, small cracks or chips can be repaired, saving a significant amount of money. 

Insurance Coverage

It is critical to check your glass damage insurance coverage when you need a windshield replacement. Glass is one item that often has a high deductible attached to it. In some cases, that deductible can be more than the cost of the windshield replacement glass. 

Cars or trucks with large windshields may be an exception because the glass is costly. Still, it is vital to get the repair estimate from the windshield replacement service and then call your insurance agent to determine if the repair is covered before setting the appointment for the work. If you are going to pay for the windshield replacement yourself, you may need to work it into your budget. So knowing what the cost is, what your coverage is, and how you will pay the bills are critical points that you need to know upfront.

Mobile Repairs

A large percentage of windshield replacement services offer repairs in the shop and provide a mobile service if you require it. Mobile windshield repair means that the technician will come to you instead of you having to take your car or truck into the shop. 

For people with busy lifestyles or that work long hours, mobile windshield repair services can make it much easier to get the repair completed without interrupting your day. Often, the tech can make the repairs in a parking lot, your driveway at home, or just about anywhere the vehicle is parked. There are some limitations, though, like unsafe roadside work or if your vehicle is parked in a restricted area like a closed parking lot. Most windshield repair services can work with you to find a place that allows for safe and efficient glass replacement on your car. 

Contact a windshield replacement service near you to learn more.
